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Hear From Our Students

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Fresh-Fest was the best thing I could have done coming into my first year. The Hillel Orientation Team members and Hillel staff made us laugh and connect. I met some of my best friends at Fresh-Fest.

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At Hillel, I was able to find an awesome community and join JLF and take advantage of a

number of opportunities.

I realize that taking part in Hillel was one of the best decisions I made since coming [to Cornell].

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Going to AIPAC with Hillel has not only strengthened my love for Israel but has given me the tools to make a change on campus.

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Email: [email protected]

Phone: 607-255-9712

Mail: PO Box #4150, Ithaca, NY 14852


This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

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© 2023 Cornell Hillel 

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